Wednesday 11 June 2014


I am going to be blogging and reviewing less and concentrating on my next novel now.  It has the working title of "Lydia Darling" and is in its preliminary stages.  If you get bored, you can always read my first novel...

Product Description

Middlingham- or “Middle-of-nowhere” as Caroline Vallely nicknames it- is a town in Norfolk, home to teenage Caroline and her closest friends, Elizabeth and Hayley. The story begins in the late 1980’s as all three girls find themselves rejected, to varying degrees, by the people who are supposed to love them the most- their parents.
Caroline has always had a difficult relationship with her mother and father, and takes cynical pride in being the black sheep of the family. Elizabeth refuses to follow the choice of profession that’s been laid out for her and Hayley goes for the oldest story in the book- she gets herself pregnant. ‘We should call ourselves “The Reject’s Club.” Three unwanted darlings together,’ Caroline flutters her eyelashes theatrically and raises her glass. And so the girls own little private coterie is born.
As they grow into adults, the trio all strive for a happier life, but nothing can ever be straightforward. For romantic Hayley, who’s dreamt of nothing more than love and motherhood, she discovers that marriage can be a very unhappy state of being. Elizabeth is surprised find the fashion industry she so desperately wants to be a part of a rather stupid place and sets about finding her own lodestar. And workaholic Caroline wants to thumb her nose at all the people who have ever put her down in her life by becoming successful, rich and famous. And she achieves it through her writing career. But the route she takes is often the seediest way, as she desperately tries to shore up her destroyed sense of self-esteem.
Eventuality the three women all achieve some level of contentment. But the past has already happened, and one of the girls is shocked to discover a devastating family secret that links her with someone so close. And Caroline, after years of estrangement, must go back to confront her parents about why they treated her so disdainfully, before she leaves the country for a new life...

You can buy The Reject's Club from Amazon, via this link:-

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