Friday 14 August 2015



Neville Roscoe, mysterious and enigmatic, lives resolutely outside society, bound only by his code of honour- until challenged by his desire for the one woman he cannot have.

Miranda Clifford is a lady imprisoned by rigid respectability- until tempted by a passion beyond her power to deny.

Flung together in peril, through danger and intrigue, they discover a love impossible to ignore...or keep.

Filled to the brim with glamour and breathtaking passion, discover the latest novel by the queen of historical romance.

This was very Mills & Boon in its conception, with the idea of a dashing hero and a virginal, beautiful heroine. With bodice ripper written all over it, the novel certainly delivered, with a storyline of mystery and intrigue that was a page turner, as you strived to find out who the mysterious villain of the piece really was. I got this wrong- I thought it might be Wraxby, one of Miranda's suitors, but it turned out that it was someone introduced way into the novel. I won't spoil the surprise!

I'm glad that Miranda chose to turn her nose up at the (ridiculous to modern eyes and ears) conventions and proprieties that a young lady was supposed to follow and went with her heart and lustful body instead. This was a real Regency romp with some great characters, including Roscoe- seemingly advantageous, but in reality a true gent with a good heart and a duel persona.

My only criticism would be the length of the various bedroom scenes in the book. Reading one for the first time was erotic- enough for me to text my partner and tell him to have it hard for me later. By the second and third time, the writing had become long winded and a bit daft. One love scene was seven pages long and seemed to take forever to read, and that's with me skimming through it. Jesus, that's time enough for me to do the deed and have a quickie, wipe me fanny on the curtains and bugger off home!! 

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