Saturday 31 May 2014


I am not a normal woman.....why, you might ask?

I HATE SHOPPING!  How anyone can enjoy endless schlepping around overheated stores, surrounded by crowds and noise is beyond me.

Funnily enough, I never minded shopping for work- as a designer it's important to keep up to date with what's coming in and what's going out (and yes, what to rip off!)  I could never shop as a hobby, as it would be too much like a busman's holiday for me. 

When I have to, I shop like a bloke.  I go at 10am on a Monday morning when the shops are dead, go in, get what I want then go home.  I'm not one of those stupid women who has to look at, and touch, EVERYTHING. 

I do, however, enjoy boho markets selling unusual and off-beat items.  I also love the treasure troves that are antique and junk shops.  There has to be an element of surprise to arouse my interest.

Here are a couple of bags for you to feast your eyes on:
 This was from the Monsoon sale.  I don't usually use bags this size, and don't really have a use for it (I suppose it could be used to store make-up, as a holiday toiletry bag or even as a pencil/ art case) but at £4.50 I will find a use for it!

I bought this at Las Vegas airport AEONS ago and hardly ever use it.  I love the plastic links that make up the bag, though.  It's almost like a chainmail effect.

This one cost me a fiver, from a here-today-gone-tomorrow shop in Ilford.  Comments range from, "I had something like that when I was five" and "That looks like something Barbie would use."  But I don't care because I like it!  If other people think I'm tacky, that's their problem. 

Years ago, I owned a similar bag to this and had a lovely pair of matching stiletto strappy sandals (the men complimented me on them even if the women didn't- they were very Strictly Come Dancing!)
At a party, I was wearing the shoes and bag and a group of women chose to take the piss out of me.  One turned to the other, sneered and said, "Oh my God!  She's even got a pink mobile phone!" (I still have!)

I took a good look at them, dressed in jeans and beige, with flat shoes and dull brown handbags and thought, "You walk around dressed like THAT, yet take the piss out of me?"

They were bland enough to blend in with the wallpaper.  If you are also a bohemian sexpot (and all the best people are) follow me on Facebook...

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