Sunday 21 June 2015



When evidence survives, no secret can ever be safe.

For a decade, forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan has been haunted by the one who got away. The killer of young women. The monster. And the one who has now come back. Feeding on fear, grief and rage. Killing again. Killing girls. Getting closer. Coming for Tempe.

This Kathy Reichs Temeperance Brennan novel was brilliant, like these novels tend to be. She is a real expert in her field and I always love learning new things whenever I read one of her stories.

This book had a great twist as to the well-being of the monster, Anique Pomerleau, and an unexpected second perpetrator with a very interesting condition. I shan't spoil the surprise!

I have to question the author's use of names, though. Get a load of this little lot:- Ellis Yoder... Jewell Neighbors... Mona Spleen... Melody Keller... Hen Hull... Beau Tinker... Tawny McGee... Grinder. The latter two sound like porn star names, Beau Tinker sounds like something from a Carry On film and, in general, they sound like something Jackie Collins would have invented and put in one of her bonkbusters (I once read a JC novel where one of the principal characters was called Marcus Citroen...puuurrrleeeeaaase!)

I'm glad that Andrew Ryan finally proposed to Tempe. Hallelujah! I'm always as interested in what's going on between these two as I am of the crime element. But you can be sure that the next book will consist of to-ing and fro-ing between them. I wish the author would make Tempe's lovelife more straightforward.

I have to say, I do love the way Tempe watches the series Bones in her free time.  Clever, that.  

This book came with the addition of a good short story, and whilst I can read about dismembered humans whist eating, I found that I couldn't read about a snake having an autopsy, or the gorier details of bird carrion. I don't know what that says about me but yuk! The nitty gritty sure as hell put me off my grub (and that's not an easy thing to do!)

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