Monday 26 October 2015


My SuperDean kindly bought me this lovely snow leopard print bag as a pressie, to say sorry for giving me viral conjunctivitis (at my suggestion!)  The photo doesn't really do it justice as you can't clearly see all the lovely diamante sparkles it has stuck onto it.  It also has a long strap for wearing slung over the shoulder.
It came from a shop in Ilford called Saffron and was a bargain at £20.  It was the first shop I went in.  Did I do that female thing of then looking around the whole of the shopping centre before going back to the first shop to buy the bag?  Did I hell- I bought it there and then and went to the pub for a glass of wine.  Life is too short to piss about looking in shops for the sake of it.

I am not a typical woman- I am a geezerbird in heels!

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