Sunday 25 October 2015


I bought this dress from Quiz Clothing a while back but have only worn it a handful of times, so I decided to turn it into a top.  I'm never going to win a prize for being the world's best machinist- it was something I really had to work hard at whilst at college, otherwise I wouldn't have passed my fashion course.  I could never work as a machinist or be self-employed sewing for other people- I simply don't have "the knack" and that's with over thirty years' sewing experience behind me.  But my skills are good enough to change that into this and I hope I get more wear out of it.

Call me Kat Slater or Bet Lynch (and many people have!) but I don't think a girl can have too much animal print.  Cats shudder in fear when I walk past!!!!

This leopard and tiger print combination is something I bought from Bay Trading years ago...
I do have a weakness for witchy hems, like this one.  I once designed for a company that supplied Bay Trading and I really loved their signature style- young, feminine, a bit blingy and undeniably sexy.  It's such a shame that they disappeared from the High Street.

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