Sunday 23 June 2024


 My YouTube Glasgow Botanic Gardens vlog is now live!

Link here:-

Glasgow Botanic Gardens is quite small, at 8 acres, and so easy to traverse. Whilst a Londoner like me might be used to the behemoth that is Kew Gardens, that place makes for a very tiring day out; this doesn't.
A special shout out to Glasgow Subway, which got us the four stops to where we needed to be (I don't drive, and many of my posts reference using public transport.) 

Come and take a walk in my shoes through the elegant rotunda of a glasshouse containing temperate plants from across the world; through a second, steamier glasshouse with an abundance of calming fecund greenery; down wonky steps and into the wilderness beside the river then over the cutest bridge; and finally into the rose, herb and vegetable gardens. Keep your eyes peeled for the delightful bench armrests!

Don't forget to check out the blog I have put together about these wonderful gardens.  As you know, I will always be a writer before anything else!

Remember to like and subscribe, and don't forget to follow my blog as well!


The Miss Elaineous


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