During a recent rip to Blackpool I stumbled across a lovely little shop called Bowtique. It sells stunning handbags, purses and fashion accessories, for those of you that (like me) refuse to grow up and love a bit of glitter and bling. I bought this stunning changeant hologram purse, which shifts from greeny-blue to bluey-pink in the light. Wonderful!
I've seen this matching bag on Ebay and I might just get it- at less than £20, it's my kind of price. The range also comes in a kind of silvery-white colour, with a small or large stud effect- take your pick.
Bowtique also sell bath bombs and gorgeous smelling soaps that would make great gifts. Some of the soaps looked like they had Catherine Wheels or Liquorice Allsorts welded inside. Think Lush but with a more consistent and reasonable price tag. I would love to work for Bowtique, in a head office capacity, but I checked them out and their head office is in Blackpool. I may end up living there one day- who knows- although it would be a better place if they kept the Illuminations lit all year round, but for now it's a bit too long a commute.
I did, however, check out the makers of my purse, the London Young Designer's Connection, and it turns out that not only do they make my kind of clothing as well as accessories, but they are also situated just up the road from me in east London and are actually recruiting for a couple of roles that I am more than experienced at doing. I have sent them a CV and hope that they have the good common sense to meet up with me- having a passion for a particular company is a very good start.