Tuesday 31 May 2016


The weather turned from warm(ish) and sunny to cool and cloudy whilst I was in Great Yarmouth recently, and I was wandering around the town centre wearing just a skimpy top and a light cardi...

So I was pleased to see this lovely coral cotton coat, standing outside a charity shop, on a dummy...
It was a bit big for me but belted at the waist so it was very easy to make it fit and I love the pleated rever detail.  And for £6, who's complaining?!
I bought it and wore it there and then- although I usually like to wash second hand finds, it had been outside airing and beggers can't be choosers.
I think the shop was called Great Yarmouth Against Animal Cruelty and when I stepped inside it was packed to the rafters with stuff, including some very nice gowns, a couple of them quite gothic.
But I'm soooo glad the coat was standing outside the shop- the inside smelled of mangy wet dogs foisting on damp nylon carpets.  Yuk! 

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