Friday 22 September 2017


I'm afraid that this isn't going to be a very detailed blog as the palace wasn't the only thing royal yesterday- Miss Elaineous was fighting the start of a royal lurgy and, as a result, was rather moody and tetchy all day.  Apologies to my SuperDean, for not making his birthday as nice as it could have been.

I've visited Hampton Court twice before, once 20 years ago.  Me and my ex boyfriend sneaked in for nothing!  It was Prince Charles' 50th birthday and he was in the building the whole time we were there.  We weren't allowed in The Great Hall, but we managed to sneak into other parts we really shouldn't have been in, including a (very nice) exhibition of paintings by the man himself.

Yesterday, we got to see The Real Tennis Courts and The Young Henry exhibition, both a new experience but I didn't take photos as I really didn't feel like it.  Here's what I did take...

View of the lake from the back of the palace...

And here's the view looking back towards the palace...

I'm not sure what this statue is, but I like it!

Here's a view down to the river.  Henry VIII would have picked up his royal barge at the end of the walkway.

Cute gardens...

Dean informed me that this kind of walkway is called a bowery- you learn something new every day!

I love the Great Vine.  It's a little know fact that the vine came from a cutting taken from Valentine's Mansion in Ilford.

We had an a-MAZE-ing time and made it to the centre, with the help of a school kid!  I really wasn't up for focusing too hard.

Dean was a bit underwhelmed by The Tiltyard, which Henry VIII never actually used for jousting, as he was past his best by the time it was completed.

Did Dean turn 44 yesterday or was he 4 years and 4 months?!  The Magical Garden is a children's play area, and we had a go on the slides.  And why not?  Fun is not just for kids, you know!!!!

I didn't take many picture inside, but I wish this was my wine cellar....

Being lavatorial, I just HAD to take a photo of the royal khazi- this was found in the William III tour section.

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