Friday 14 January 2022


I submitted my lovely Scilly Isles photograph, entitled "Porthcressa Beach" to US company Indie Treasures, and they have chosen it to use in their Incredible England 2022 Calendar.

Here's the proof- I'm not yet sure whether I'm April or May!

It's also being used for their jigsaw...😊

It was taken during my last Cornwall visit, in October 2020.  We were staying in Penzance at the time, and ventured over to the Isles of Scilly for a day trip.  I also use it as my Facebook cover photo.

It's one of those rare photos which are as good as perfect and need very little doing to them (bar maybe a little cropping).

This one of Smeaton's Tower, in Plymouth, taken in 2019, didn't even need that...

...And neither did this one, of the Gothic Temple at Painshill, taken in 2021.  I have submitted it to Painshill, as they are creating a photo montage to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the park being open to the public (actually, I assume they've already assembled it, as the anniversary has passed- I just haven't seen it displayed on their website.) 

I was never a fan of traditional photography- you had literally one chance to get your photo right, otherwise you either wasted exposures or had to spend time hunched over a contact sheet picking out your best shots.  But digital photography is much quicker, with instant results, and tweaking photos is always an option. 

I think I'm gonna have to enter my photography into more competitions!

Until then...


The Miss Elaineous


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