Saturday 4 May 2024


Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge sits in Chingford, outer London. The lodge was built in 1543 for Henry VIII and renovated by his daughter, Queen Elizabeth I. It was used to view the deer chase over Epping Forest. It's very rare to have a hunting lodge in existence nowadays which is still surrounded by its royal hunting forest, as this one is.

Originally known as Great Standing, it would have been part of a system of stands and paddocks on this site. At the time this building was the only three storey building in England- Henry VIII always had to have the best of the best! It was rumoured that Elizabeth I rode her white steed up the lodge stairs, to celebrate her victory over the Spanish Armada. But this has never been confirmed, and could well be a tall tale!
There is a hunting feast laid out on the ground floor and outfits for dressing up in on the first floor- join me in feeling a little ruff...

Don't forget to check out the blog I have put together about this interesting Medieval building.  I'm a writer before anything else!

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The Miss Elaineous


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