Sunday, 26 January 2025


 My Fairlop Waters YouTube vlog is now live!


 I headed to Fairlop Waters, Essex, as I fancied a semi-rural walk.  It sits not far from Fairlop Underground Station. 

I took a wander around the lake; which is not accessible to the general public.  You have to be a member of a club to take part in water sports including swimming, canoeing, paddleboarding and rowing, with many clubs offering a pay-per-go service.  I made some friends along the way, but these were of the winged variety.  I saw a huge gaggle of geese, several ducks and lapwings plus an old crow (no, I wasn't looking in the mirror!)

Come and take a walk in my shoes and I'll tell you about the Fairlop Oak, which was said to measure 66 feet around its circumference.  I'll tell you how the term bean-feast or beano, meaning a day out, get-together or shindig possibly came into being.  I'll also tell you about Queen Anne visiting the fair, and one of the songs which was sung here.  We'll also see the Boulder Park, where you can practise your climbing skills, and have a nosey over to the Lakeview Marquee, where you can get married if your little heart so desires it.

As you know, I will always be a writer before anything else, and my Fairlop Waters blog can be found here:-

Remember to like and subscribe, and don't forget to follow my blog as well!


The Miss Elaineous


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