Tuesday 18 November 2014


These shoes were too gorgeous for words, and at £9.50 from Ebay, they just had to be mine.  I do think they're probably more pink than purple, although that's not immediately obvious from these photos (light can do strange things to colours in photography), or at least fuchsia.  They have ripped my big toe apart!  Had to peel a bright red plaster off my foot on Saturday night, but hopefully they're broken in now.

These red sparkly sandals were £6 from Ebay and are also painful, so will have to wear them around the house for a while, unless I want crucified feet.

I bought them to replace the red sequin Dorothy shoes (which are falling to pieces) below.  The Wizard of Oz was my favourite film as a child and I just couldn't resist them.  They cost me a  fiver, a few years back and came from a "here today, gone tomorrow" shop in Ilford.
I got the box home to realise that they had sold me two left feet, though!  I didn't need to wear them that night, so saw the funny side, and thankfully the shop existed long enough for me to go back and swap the rogue shoe!

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