Saturday 24 December 2022

JUNE ANNUAL 1970 by Various authors/ illustrators

Various authors/ illustrators

There was none!

'Tis the season to be silly...”

Yes, you may well ask why I'm reading an annual dedicated to tweenage girls, and one printed before I was even born, at that. But some things from my childhood stirred memories; such as The Amazing Mr Blunden (a strange, obsessive 37-year tale arose from that film)- read about it here:-

Also, a film featuring a vengeful heroine named Roberta “Bobbie” King (it's called Positive I.D., and I did eventually find it on YouTube), ditto One Summer, a sad lads' coming of age story. I'm also eager to watch Paula Milne's Queen Of Hearts, about a middle-aged woman coming to terms with her daughter's sexuality, and her own, but alas, it's unavailable to watch.

Book-wise I have a copy of my much-loved Mystery Stories For Girls in my collection, along with The Bluebeard Room (a Nancy Drew mystery) and my treasured Royal Brides illustration book. All of these are things I once owned as a kid and requisitioned as an adult.  I would have been about 10 when my mother found me this annual, bought at a jumble sale. I was in the process of moving on from Bunty (a comic for girls) to Jackie (for teens) magazine-wise, but still took much joy in revisiting some of the wonderful stories in the former, and thoroughly enjoyed my June annual.

But... I couldn't remember which annual it was that the fantastic House Of Phantoms story sat in, but a bit of Googly research revealed my answer. Very much of its time, the story is set in a fictitious South American country, and features a kidnapping. I also loved the illustrations, and remember using the newly learnt term “awe-inspiring” at school, for one of my illustrated poems (precocious kid that I was).  I also got to learn some Spanish ("Casa de Fantasmas," for your information- little things please little minds, etc.)  I got to read this story again (I hadn't remembered the ending) and also sift through the brilliant picture stories, including Long-Legged Peg, which I remembered well. Ah, for a nostalgia trip! As I mentioned before, the annual is certainly very much of its time, with middle class boarding schools featuring and animals who save the day. I also thought the fashion and beauty advice stood the test of time.
House Of Phantoms

So, let's call this silly-season post a reflection on a very joyous period in my life. I wish life was that simple nowadays!

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