Sunday 10 December 2017


Yuk! White stuff...

(Actually, the snow looks rather pretty, but I'm definitely a summer person- it must be something to do with being born in July...)  Incidentally, I've never been skiing and don't see the attraction with winter sports.  Who on earth would want to pay to risk life and limb in sub zero temperatures, exercise AND wear a fat suit to boot?  Not I, that's for sure- gimme a beach and a cocktail!!!!  Anyway, I'm so clumsy I'd probably do a Sonny Bono and wrap myself around a tree.

It means I've had to rethink my footwear as I have to go somewhere this evening and the open-toed affairs I strapped on last night really aren't going to cut the mustard.  Stilettos are good in the snow as they work like ice picks! Here's my Marc Fisher courts, found (brand new and unworn) in a charity shop for £4....

Sunday 26 November 2017



Lou Clark has lots of questions.

Like how is it she's ended up working in an airport bar, watching other people jet off to new places.

Or why the flat she's owned for a year still doesn't feel like home.

Whether her family can ever forgive her for what she did eighteen months ago.

And will she ever get over the love of her life.

What Lou does know for certain is that something has to change.

Then, one night it does.

But does the stranger on her doorstep hold the answers Lou is searching for- or just more questions?

Close the door and life continues: simple, ordered, safe.

Open it and she risks everything.

But Lou once made a promise to live. And if she's going to keep it, she has to invite them in...

I read the predecessor to this book, Me Before You, some three years ago (found it for £1 in a charity shop, before the film was made and it got relaunched) and it brought tears to my eyes, being an incredibly moving piece of work. The main character is Will, who was once a very active, ruthless City boy, until fate cruelly intervened in the shape of a motorcycle accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. In this book, Louisa starts work as his carer, and falls in love with him- but he's already decided that his fate is a humane ending at Dignitas; which he carries out. I haven't seen the film yet, but I would like to.

In this book Louisa is rebuilding her life and I began reading with trepidation, as very few sequels are ever as good as the first novel. But this was a great read! The character of Louisa is certainly not dull, and we have to live through her various mishaps, including her falling off a roof and surviving, finding a new man only for him to get shot and also her putting up with the job from hell. With a good selection of likeable, dislikeable and interesting characters, both old and new, the story moves on at an even pace.

But it was little Lily, the sixteen-year-old who turns up on Louisa's doorstep claiming to be Will's daughter (she's telling the truth) who really grabbed my heart. Proof that money doesn't buy class, she comes from a rich background, but has ended up being bottom of the list of priorities in everyone's world. At war with her mother and stepfather (the latter whom she names both Fuckface and Penisfeatures- that made me guffaw out loud!) she's fallen into all sorts of trouble and finds the door to the family home locked against her.

I can really, really, REALLY (and unfortunately) relate to this character. I, too, was slung out of the family home at the age of sixteen for no real reason other than staying out late with my new boyfriend. Well, I was in love, okay? And, even that age, I knew that you had to take advantage of whatever love you could get and simply go with the flow. That love really didn't last very long (as tends to happen, when you're very young) and I moved back home after struggling with money; having a pretty crappy job, no household implements and no adult advice or support. That was after having a mini-breakdown and developing bulimia. Only a couple of days after moving back home, my parents threatened to call the police to 'get me out' for coming home... (it was either quarter to or quarter past midnight, I can't remember which, but it's certainly not what I'd call) late. I'd been to see a local band and had to wait for my lift home from a friend's dad, and that's just the way it was- the world didn't revolve around my parents. But, seriously, what kind of parents would threaten to do that? Not very good ones, that's for sure. I was never especially close to my mother and my close relationship with my father dried up when I became a teenager. I'm still shocked nowadays when people who've long moved out retain keys to their family home- I could just have seen my parents doing that (sarcastic)...ha!!!!

Personal rant over, my point is that this character Lily really touched me and I could certainly effing well relate to her, and I'm glad she was accepted into her new family; although not quite seamlessly... Parents, do your job properly. This novel tells it like it is, and it's a really dangerous world out there for teenage girls who haven't been looked after correctly. It abounds with predators. Enough said.

This book comes highly recommended from me. Read Me Before You, then read this. It tickles the emotions and the funny bone, has a good but not totally predictable ending and it didn't take me long to finish.

Thursday 16 November 2017



1962, Cornwall. Tara Jupp- vicar's daughter, occasional thief, expert rider and second fiddle to her sister 'the beauty' Lucy- sings at a wedding and is spotted by a record producer.

With the spotlight suddenly, thrillingly, shining on her alone, the roots of Tara's country existence are shaken free and she is propelled to Swinging Sixties London.

Plunged into a dazzling new world of fashion, music and heartache, in a city where skirts are being hitched up as fast as the past is being pulled down, can Tara hold the limelight and hold on to who she really is?

I haven't posted a book review since July, and the reason for this is simple- I've had too much on! It was exactly the same this time last year. As well as work, I also had holiday to take, so I spent a bit of time in Blackpool and seemed to do more sightseeing than reading and chilling. In a week we managed to visit: the Sealife Centre, the Blackpool Dungeons, Madame Tussauds Blackpool, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, the Tower and Ballroom, Blackpool Zoo, the Pleasure Beach, Sandcastle Waterpark, Fleetwood Market, all three piers, the light show projected onto the front of the tower, the shops and also several bars, as well as taking in the wonderful illuminations.  I've also had some fantastic days out in, or within spitting distance of, London, including: Broadstairs, Margate, Ramsgate, Southend, Painshill Park (twice), Hampton Court, Kew Gardens, The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, The London Aquarium and Madame Tussauds. I've also done a little soul searching and have put in place my exit plan from my current (rotten) job, and my future plans to decorate my flat and enrol on to a Master's degree in creative writing.

But... back to the novel... This came across as a bit of a middle and upper class kind of romp, but you do see poorer unfortunates featured here. It strikes me that the Sixties was all about giving talented people a chance, whatever their background, and that sense that anything was possible. I wish that attitude still existed nowadays, as we seemed more hidebound by class, social status and personal, influential contacts than ever before, with the added gripe of inherited celebrity guaranteeing mediocrity achieving success, whilst talented people lie on the sidelines, wasted. And don't get me started on that!

This book was very interesting, with a variety of fun characters who came across as completely real. Being into art and history, I liked the locations and the big houses which fascinated Raoul and Lucy so. No expense has been spared in creating descriptions which brought these things to life. It was engrossing to see how all the characters developed, and how the scenes 'panned out' and the author is very good at picking out the zeitgeist of the era and making you feel as if you are really living inside the story, and are part 'of the moment' yourself. I also learnt some new writing tricks from this novel, as the writer seems to drop a fact- or point- into the prose from left field, which leaves you hungry to turn the pages, searching for an explanation.

Fact is interwoven into this novel, and we find ourselves at The Rolling Stones' first ever proper gig, at the Marquee, without finding out it was them until later. The tragic Brian Jones takes quite a lead role, as he involves himself with one of our fictional characters, although you don't know it is actually him until the end.

This wasn't so much a novel about Tara, our heroine, as a whole group of people; all of whom having faults and failings as well as pluses. Every positive has a negative, and our more aesthetically gifted characters certainly had their share of issues and drawbacks. With the kind of ending that was unpredictable but quite pleasant, I highly recommend this book and am looking forward to more good reads from this author.

Sunday 12 November 2017


I think, of the three main Thanet seaside towns, that Ramsgate has to be my favourite.  Sure, Margate is larger, and there's more going on, but it's looking so forlorn and run down, with many shops boarded up.  I believe that a lot of that's to do with Westwood Cross, a large shopping centre with easy transport links opening in the centre of Thanet in 2005.  Don't get me started on shopping malls taking away business from town centres.  I'm someone who's not a fan of these large, soulless retail environments, filled with endless chain stores selling generic mass produced tat.  But, looking on the bright side, I can visibly see customer buying habits changing.  As more and more people (myself included) prefer to shop online nowadays, there has popped up a separate contingent who still like to visit shops, physically handle goods and, where clothing is concerned, like to try things on.  These type of customers prefer a more personal service.  From that, I can see smaller, boutique versions of these stores evolving, and the ideal place to situate these would be in the daintier units that tend to be found in High Streets, alongside charming independents.  And therefore shopping malls will gradually either go out of business or will cater only as an outlet for massive sites selling larger (sofas, fridges, office equipment, Cash and Carry orders etc.) items.  Bring it on!
Broadstairs is a town that's very much alive and also oh-so pretty and picturesque, but it seems to consist of only one street.  Sure, if you're a Dickens fan, there's a couple of attractions to grab your attention, but there are only so many times you can visit these.  As a town it strikes me as (dare I say it) a bit pretentious.
This was my first visit to Ramsgate and it sits somewhere between the two in terms of size, amenities and atmosphere.

Although rain was forecast we were lucky as it didn't appear!  I can understand why artists such as J.M.W. Turner chose to paint here as the light coming off the sea is so striking.

Here's a rooftop view of the harbour, taken from the road that sits on top of one section of cliff, but underneath the other.

The harbour arms.

The harbour restaurant at the end.  It looks like a ship!

Despite the overcast day, the sea was a beautiful, greenish colour.

The lighthouse under a moody sky.

Looking back towards The Royal Victoria Pavilion (now a Wetherspoon pub!)

Dean's not a big fan of sand, so here's his idea of 'walking on the beach'....

We then took a wander into town.  Ramsgate has its own Meridian Line, five minutes and 41 seconds in front of Greenwich Mean Time...

We then visited the Ramsgate Tunnels, which consist of an old Victorian disused railway tunnel and a horseshoe-shaped section of Air Raid Protection tunnels, built in 1939 to provide shelter for up to 60,000 people (but in reality, used by less) as the onset of air raids looked inevitable.  Whole families stayed down here, and the history is fascinating- don't leave Ramgate without doing it!  I only took a few photos as the light was dim, my camera battery was going, and the quality of the pictures is not great.

In the entrance section there are a couple of coffins with lids over the face section.  This is so that relatives identifying the deceased could do so without the trauma of seeing their injuries.  Maybe it's quite fitting that we undertook our visit on November 11th.

This is the entrance railway tunnel.

Here is the start of the Air Raid Protection tunnel.

One of the sets of stairs leading out towards the ground- and civilisation!  The top entrance is now blocked off.

Our guide was fantastic, the history soooo interesting and, I repeat:- DON'T LEAVE RAMSGATE WITHOUT VISITING THE TUNNELS!

As this tour lasted and hour and a half, we didn't have much time to do anything else.  I hear that there's a rather nice park with an Italianate garden and a glasshouse tearoom nearby, as well as a couple of museums, so Ramsgate, I will return! 

Sunday 1 October 2017


The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is about three miles from where I live and I have visited a couple of times before, once to visit Beach East.  It was an urban beach they created a couple of summers in a row; with a fairground, a makeshift beach and paddling area, food stalls and a bar.  It was impressive... and a touch wacky!

I didn't pay much attention to the 2012 Olympics, not being a sporty person.  I also have a long history of falling asleep during Olympic opening ceremonies, and that includes the Stratford one (although what I did see was very entertaining.)  I woke up as David Beckham was making his journey up the canal in a boat.  I have to say, the lighting of the torch was s-o-o-o-o-o long winded, so much so that I was tempted to jump on the 25 bus with a lighter and go and light the goddamn thing myself.  I thought, ENOUGH already, just get on with it!

Before the Olympic park came into being, I remember going to a couple of great warehouse parties there in the late 1990s.  They were right near the back end of Stratford railway station, where Westfield shopping centre is right now.  I'm not too sure about Westfield Stratford- although certain shops (hello, J.D. Sports and Primark) will always thrive in that area, the amount of closed units tells me that it was a bit of a turkey.  Stratford is billed as an "up and coming" area- sure it's better than it was, but it's still in a poor part of London and there's still a recession going on.

We took a canal tour around the park, which was very relaxing.  I wasn't up for anything too taxing as I was still recovering from a lurgy.  I also love the way the industrial is juxtaposed with the natural, or in this case "created" natural, as much of the land had to be detoxified before any regeneration took place.

Here's some of my piccies...

Bankside trees in this once-poisoned urban utopia.

This ford has recently opened.

Canal bridges.

Apparently, the stones in cages holding up these bridges are the rubble of the buildings that had to be knocked down during the clearance of the park.

Olympic rings.

I've been to the Arcelor Mittal Orbit before (a freebie from Newham Council.)  Then, the surrounding area was just a building site.  They also didn't have a slide down... and now they do, so childish moi just HAD to visit again....  

Approaching The Orbit.

The view up, taken from right underneath.

The stadium.  The last time I was here it hadn't been transformed, the roof did not go as far over and you could still see "2012" written on the track.

City of London view.

London Docklands.

This must have been the warm-up pitch.

The old part of Stratford.  Roof East, a rooftop bar, is at the top of the brown, squat-looking building to the left side of the photo.

The Aquatics centre.  I must give this a try!

Selfie time!  As is usual in selfies, I'm wearing my sparkly pink cardigan and my pink leopard print top.  I do own more clothes...honest!  Piece of useless information- the top was either a nightie or petticoat that I found in Bodgers, Ilford, and shortened into a top.

I missed this lovely cute model, so I pinched this photo from my SuperDean.  I would love little sparkly earrings made to look like this.  Promoters, take note!

You can take the lift down, walk down the stairs...

...or take the slide.  We chose the latter, and it was great fun!  Here's the view of the slide going down.

It was a great way to spend a few hours.  Here's my goodbye view of a moody Orbit.

Friday 22 September 2017


I'm afraid that this isn't going to be a very detailed blog as the palace wasn't the only thing royal yesterday- Miss Elaineous was fighting the start of a royal lurgy and, as a result, was rather moody and tetchy all day.  Apologies to my SuperDean, for not making his birthday as nice as it could have been.

I've visited Hampton Court twice before, once 20 years ago.  Me and my ex boyfriend sneaked in for nothing!  It was Prince Charles' 50th birthday and he was in the building the whole time we were there.  We weren't allowed in The Great Hall, but we managed to sneak into other parts we really shouldn't have been in, including a (very nice) exhibition of paintings by the man himself.

Yesterday, we got to see The Real Tennis Courts and The Young Henry exhibition, both a new experience but I didn't take photos as I really didn't feel like it.  Here's what I did take...

View of the lake from the back of the palace...

And here's the view looking back towards the palace...

I'm not sure what this statue is, but I like it!

Here's a view down to the river.  Henry VIII would have picked up his royal barge at the end of the walkway.

Cute gardens...

Dean informed me that this kind of walkway is called a bowery- you learn something new every day!

I love the Great Vine.  It's a little know fact that the vine came from a cutting taken from Valentine's Mansion in Ilford.

We had an a-MAZE-ing time and made it to the centre, with the help of a school kid!  I really wasn't up for focusing too hard.

Dean was a bit underwhelmed by The Tiltyard, which Henry VIII never actually used for jousting, as he was past his best by the time it was completed.

Did Dean turn 44 yesterday or was he 4 years and 4 months?!  The Magical Garden is a children's play area, and we had a go on the slides.  And why not?  Fun is not just for kids, you know!!!!

I didn't take many picture inside, but I wish this was my wine cellar....

Being lavatorial, I just HAD to take a photo of the royal khazi- this was found in the William III tour section.