Monday 17 April 2017


And so, after checking out my Leo with Scorpio rising status, and finding it very accurate, I also checked out my Leo with a Virgo moon reading and found it... surprisingly accurate!
I don't know how these things work but I'm not a cynic and keep an open mind.

I especially related to the part that mentions, 'Your pen rather than the sword is your preferred weapon of choice.'  Oh yes.  And anyone who chooses to cross me will not forget it.  I use real life characters and experiences as the springboard in my writing... and, trust me, I'm often FAR from flattering.  You have been warned.  Mind you, some insecure people would be flattered that they're getting any attention at all, idiots that they are.  Remember, truth is always stranger than fiction!

Sun in Leo/Moon in Virgo Incorruptible

Sun in Leo/Moon in Virgo Incorruptible You have a contradictory mixture in your character. Your Leo Sun desires recognition, standing, and influence, but your Virgo Moon needs the security and steadiness of a less dangerous role. The position of leadership you feel you merit is held in the background by your reserved nature. Your need to help others must contend with your desire for admiration and attention. But, both sides of your character work together pleasantly for the most part. Although you are still able to voice your views and use your organizational abilities to control authority from behind the scenes, you may not be a vibrant manager or supervisor. An internal nature that is timid and somewhat restrained is hidden by the incisive, analytical, and exacting external show of direction and certitude. You look for power through mental activities instead of getting the authority and status you crave through real leadership. Your pen rather than the sword is your preferred weapon of choice. If you have an issue, there are occasions when you can be very critical, even egotistical, in your views and suppositions. Although you are inclined to be a little too frank in verbalizing your interpretations, you are usually amazingly correct with them. It is little wonder you so frequently alienate people. Virgo's emotional conservatism restrains you socially to an extent. However, you are charismatic, outgoing and friendly and want to be the life of the party. Maybe because of guilt about taking part too vigorously or permitting yourself too much pleasure, it is hard to completely let go of those inhibitions. Reporting and communications, in addition to endeavors that require mental depth and detailed analysis, are professionally good choices for this combination. An ordered and regimented framework is where you work the best. Living up to the stiff requirements of a Leo ego can make you overwork; you direct a lot of your Leo passion and interest into your occupation. You will find a way to lead others even if it is out-producing them. You may push yourself too hard because you are a perfectionist. You will slip into states of too much criticism, agitation, and severe nervousness if you are too hard on yourself. You may aim your aggravation at friends and associates. Inspire those around you instead using your stiff ethical code. 

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