Sunday 9 April 2017


I'm reviewing these two books together...keep reading and all will become clear...


Are you considering becoming a phone sex operator? There are things you need to think about before you make up your mind. As an experienced PSO with many years of phone sex experience, I'll give you some sound advice to see if you're suited to this very intimate line of work.

Topics discussed include: Working For An Employer, Independent Contractor, Accent Or No Accent? And much more.

A strange little book as it was only 22 pages long and had written in the flyleaf:- This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Nice try but, unfortunately, it's not something the author can control or police, is it?!

A quick read and more suited to the American market but this little book definitely did what it said on the tin and gave me an insight into this kind of work, albeit a slightly cynical one.


A hands on guide to phone sex is about me and what I do for a living. I'm a 1-2-1 chat girl. However, I am not just any chat girl; the sex line is my own company and I am all the girls my boys ever chat to (although most don't realize that I play all the characters) from ages 16-73... and also I'm Dee Dee the receptionist!

I'm the only woman to ever have done this, so as you can imagine it isn't like any ordinary premium-rate sex chat line. On the contrary, it's just like me- quite extraordinary. My calls are not recorded and therefore I am not governed by ICSIS and as such, on my line anything goes (and it usually does.) I cover the bizarre, the outrageous and the shocking. This has never been done before in as much as it blows wide open the reality of phone sex- plus, I still actually do it for a living. In these pages you will discover what men really want to talk about and what really turns a man on!

It's funny, unbelievable, but never boring. It's a book that men, in particular, will find fascinating and arousing- and the ladies will find intriguing...

Yep, this book was certainly never boring! You had to get past the (sometimes) bad English, but I was laughing out loud at some of the fantasies this lady has to deal with at the other end of the phone and I also found the book informative with regards to the business of becoming a phone sex operator; such as working for a premium rate line or being part of a call-back service, etc.

Why did I read these two books? Because this is what I'm thinking about doing as my “back-up” job as I try and sort out some sort of career in writing. For too long now, I have been underemployed and working in retail when I trained as a fashion designer. Nowadays, there are very few available jobs in the latter role, so I have diversified my creativity into the medium of the written word. But I am still working in a job that's way, way, WAY beneath me, for a company that's downright weird.  You do question how some people at management level (from store through to area and as high up as CEO) even have a job, never mind how they got their promotions.  Well, I bet their husbands and partners use phone sex lines, hehehehehe!

Fashion has always been a bit too female-heavy for me. I'm a real 'man's girl' and not girly-wirly and have always felt like a bit of a square peg in a round hole in the fashion industry.  I have a naturally foul mouth and find swearing and crudity funny, as opposed to offensive.  I also don't think sex is necessarily something to get too precious over.  Sure, it can be the ultimate connection between a man and a woman- or it can be a just a great/basic shag (delete as appropriate!) or the need to shoot one's load.  I bought both of these books when Channel 4 showed the documentary, 'My Phone Sex Secrets' (which features the author of this book) a few years back.   My friends told me I'd make a great PSO, especially within the field of domination, and to leave the “retail rubbish” behind.  But I got sidetracked.  At the time, I had three promising fashion design interviews, so the books got put to one side (but, tellingly, never thrown out) and I forgot about them.  And I didn't get any of the jobs I went for.
Channel 4 recently showed the program again, fuelling my interest once more.  And so now, I really have to move on from my very crappy situation and for self-motivated me, working from home exercising my mucky mouth on a daily basis, away from gossipy, judgemental, petty, sad fashion cows, might just be the answer to my problem. Watch this space!

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