Sunday 9 April 2017


I love the "My Sign" eyeshadow sets in Superdrug but I didn't like the colour wheel selections for my star sign.
I'm a Leo but I opted for the Scorpio shade set as they're all shades I will use on my eyelids, including my favourite purple.

Mind you, I'm a Leo with Scorpio rising, so maybe it's semi-appropriate.  I looked up the analysis for the combination of my star and rising signs and this is what it said- I found it very, very accurate!!

Leo sign with Scorpio rising

Leo is charming on his/her own, but mix in Scorpio and they become a Chick or Man magnet.

If you are involved with a Leo/Scorpio, they may believe that between the two of you, they're the Star or the Diva and you aren't.

They're in charge and you aren't. Even, if you don't agree, when it comes to things you can take or leave, humour them; in other words, choose your battles.

Both Leo and Scorpio have power. Leo and Scorpio also like to use that force to control people and things.

Scorpio gives Leo a seriousness that other Leos won't have. This person likes to be in control and is serious about that. This one could use some toning down.

Scorpios like their privacy; Leos like to show off.
This combo gives you a "Look at me, yes please do," One minute and a "What are you looking at?", the next.
Combing their Leo sign with a Scorpio rising makes this person extra passionate, extra aggressive and extra self-confident; all that wrapped with a ribbon of impatience.

This Leo/Scorpio rising likes to take immediate action.

A Leo/Scorpio will get the most trouble from their penchant to manipulate others; though they may deny said, manipulation.

Leo/Scorpio will have problems when they are closed-minded and exacting with others.

With a Leo/Scorpio rising, issues are either black or white, yes or no... There can be no; ifs and(s), but(s) or grey- in between(s).

Leo/Scorpio rising is so forceful in seeking the truth that they seem to go to extremes. It's not what they mean to do at all, they just want the truth and no colouring of the truth.
So, take this as a warning, if you betray a Leo/Scorpio be careful, they will come after you with all they've got.

A Leo/Scorpio rising will need to be prudent when selecting a lover/romantic partner, if not, troubles won't be far along.
Scorpio rising will accentuate Leo's audacity and need to be in charge. This Leo won't be intimidated and won't abide any person or situation that tries to obstruct and control them.
If Leo/Scorpio becomes disdainful with others or acts conceited because of their place of leadership, they may find the support (that got them there), suddenly turns on them.

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