Saturday 24 May 2014


These are my summer day shoes.  With a wedge heel that's two and a half inches high, some might say they're not particularly practical.  But this is a low heel for me, and I find them very comfortable.  They were a present from Shoezone, are a couple of years old now, and I love 'em!
I couldn't be bothered to take them off (or, for that matter, roll up my trousers) when I had a walk on the beach the other day.  So they stayed on, and here's the evidence.

My partner dragged me, kicking and screaming, to Great Yarmouth three years ago.  It's his thing- he's holidayed there since he was a kid.
I was brought up in King's Lynn and have an aversion to the place (although it's more the small town, small minded mentality that offends me rather than the town, per se).  For that reason, I was not overly thrilled with the idea of stepping into Norfolk.
But I found Great Yarmouth more than alright, and have returned (willingly!) a few times since.  Here are my high(ish) heeled footprints....

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