Monday 26 October 2015


I love these sexy shawl type collars and I also love tie belt coats that define the waist and give a sexy silhouette, so this coat was a winner on most fronts.  I say most as it does have a design fault- it fastens with large poppers which, as the coat is quite fitted, have a habit of popping open, especially by the boobies!  I think I'm going to have to remove the poppers and add buttons and buttonholes, otherwise it's going to start pissing me off, and that's not conductive to happy wearing.

I picked this up for around £41 in New Look.  A friend had kindly given me a 25% off voucher that she had no use for.

I think the fur must be faux fox...  I was in Southend museum recently and they had some stuffed animals in cages on display.  One of them was a fox and he kind of matched my collar.  I swear he was giving me the evil eye.  Mind you, I don't blame him- I wouldn't want to be stuffed and stuck in a glass cage either.

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