Wednesday 11 November 2015


I have now re-published The Reject's Club as a tome (full version as opposed to serialization) for those of you who (like myself) prefer tomes.

This is the Kindle version

This is the paperback version.

Note that it's going to still be available as a series.

I am also marketing my work via Wattpad, which allows me to post my novel chapter by chapter, for readers to view.  

I won't be uploading loads of chapters, though- to read the lot you will have to buy my novel.  A girl's gotta make a living somehow!

Agents and publishers take note- I am here and I'm not going away.
I've got about twenty or so more agents to send my work to, in the hope of proper publication.

Once I've done that I'll begin my second novel properly.  So far I've made notes and completed some research but I put this work hold whilst trying to get The Reject's Club "out there."  I just thought it was better to concentrate on one project at a time and give it my all.

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