Monday 28 March 2016


Come Back, Lucy was aired on British television in Spring 1978, late on a Sunday afternoon.  It was about a young orphan girl who went to live with her uncle, aunt and boisterous cousins.  She gazes into a mirror and comes face to face with Alice, who used to live in the house a hundred years before.  Lucy slips across the time frame and befriends Alice but it soon becomes clear that Alice's intentions are malevolent.

I loved, loved, LOVED this show!  It was spooky and creepy and therefore right up my street.  I was only six at the time but wasn't in the least bit scared by it (I have read testimonies from children who were- what a bunch of wimps!)

They really don't make 'em like they used to.  I actually pity children today as the offerings available on TV seem lame by comparison.  Those who enjoyed this show will never forget the spine-tingling opening music and the opening scene....Lucy looks into a mirror, but when she turns and leaves the room her body stays gazing into the glass and you see the back of her head, Rene Magritte fashion.  Then the head turns and the face is missing!!!!
Lucy looks into the mirror...

Lucy turns but her head remains...

The head turns but the face is gone!

I remember my mother having to fiddle with the ariel to try and get a picture on our black-and-white TV.  Sometimes that wasn't always possible, and I do remember being very unhappy that I missed this show once due to poor reception.  But when I did see it, I would sit in front of the box eating my Knorr Knoodles (their version of the Pot Noodle) in prawn curry flavour.  It was a weekend treat and, to this day, I love prawn curry and noodles, although I tend to make a proper curry and not chew on something from a pot!

I bought the series on DVD.  I felt I had to before it disappeared forever.  The series has aged well, is something that will appeal to adults as well as children and is well worth the money.

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