Sunday 19 February 2017


I haven't been to Portobello Road for over ten years, which is a shame as it's my kind of shopping- flea markets and individual boutiques where you can source lots of exciting one-offs and vintage finds.  I don't like chain stores at all- I find them boring and predictable most of the time.  I did enjoy working as a designer for them, though.  I genuinely believed I could make a difference and I did.  It's a shame they follow trends so slavishly- I'm sure that thinking outside the box would generate more interest and therefore customers.

It was a short walk from the scene of 10 Rillington Place to Portobello Road, so I continued my day with a browse and a lovely black forest pie, complete with oozing cherries.  I'm glad I stumbled across this little shop, called Pylones.

It sells offbeat, colourful homewares and curios and I will certainly check them out again.  Trouble was, I was dying to go to the khazi and had to browse quickly as I needed to find a loo.  I did, but the lack of public facilities everywhere has always pissed(!) me off (there was one set of free underground toilets for the whole road!)  People have to go to the toilet, you know, and it is not something that's ever mentioned, even though discussions abound on far more unsavoury topics.  Using a pub toilet is not an option as you then feel obliged to buy a drink so then, very soon, you need to go to the loo again etc.  Councils, sort it out!  Also, the two cash machines that I tried charged for withdrawals, so I didn't take money out.  As much of the market is a cash business, this can only result in decreased sales.  Again, take note.

Rant over, here's a picture of Pylones' wares.

I took a look at a few vintage stores and stalls.  In the past twenty years, though, vintage clothing has become BIG business so now proprietors can charge ridiculous amounts for what is sometimes 'tat'.  I saw scabby, no-name sparkly shoes priced up at £20- they were worth more like £3.  And Gina shoes going for £80.  Take a fucking hike.  It's second hand, at the end of the day.  I know that everybody has to make a profit (and I notice that the stalls charge less than the shops) but maybe it's better to look at charity shops in good areas, or ebay, as you can find some real, affordable gems there.  Vintage stores have become too clued up!

Portobello Road has changed, it's true- it has become tidier and a bit more commercial- but it hasn't lost its charm.  I shall be returning!

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