Sunday 26 February 2017


I don't tend to go for comedies- I'm a serious kind of gal... make me emotional, make me cry but overall, MOVE me! When I'm in a laughing mood, my sense of humour tends to be very much equal to the British postcard- give me a Carry On film and I'm in heaven.

This was slapstick, but it was extremely well executed slapstick. The storyline centres around a bunch of amateur actors putting on a play which can be described by the saying, 'Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong...' And it does- spectacularly!

It's one thing to act well, but an entirely different discipline to play a bad actor- a bit like Les Dawson performing his very clever awful piano routines- but this cast pull it off with aplomb. The standard of writing was superb and the comic timing impeccable. The props and stunts were well executed and this play made me laugh from start to finish.

There was audience participation, with a hilarious reference to the pantomime, but my favourite parts were always when the butler- who had to write the more complicated words of his script on his hand- mispronounced them.

This will make tears of gaiety roll from your eyes, so expect your sides to split!  

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