Tuesday 12 May 2015


The Reject's Club as a Kindle series

A big thanks to all of you who supported me and bought my first novel, The Reject's Club, and good for you for getting in there! Following feedback, I have decided to try marketing my work as a series, so have suspended the complete version of my book.
These were the comments that came my way:-

  1. Many people aren't regular or voracious readers, and might find the sheer size of such a work (722 pages) off-putting. Yep, I could flatten this book in a few days, but then I suppose that not everyone's like me!
  2. The font, at 10 point was too small to read. It's now 12 point.
  3. The margins were too big. I'm no expert at publishing (or marketing for that matter, which is why I need an agent and a publisher) but this one's now sorted.
  4. You look half-naked in your photograph on the back cover!” I'll refrain from adding a saucy comment, but I can understand why some people might not think the slutty, strapless dress look overly-professional! I cropped the photo so you now get just a phizog shot instead.
  5. People want a novel that's easy to slip into their handbags when they get on the train or are going away on holiday. I can understand that. I have an unread copy of Scarlett- the sequel to Gone With The Wind- sitting here, and the very reason I haven't read it is that it's too big to cart around. This is what really sold the concept of serialization to me.
  6. More than one publisher told me that, at 320,000 words, it's very long- when you consider that most novels come in at more like 120,000 words. And for me personally, I think I may have set the bar way too high, as I've every intention of making subsequent works around 160,000 words (500 pages) long.
But the best feedback of all was that The Reject's Club is far too good to be on just Kindle alone- it needs to be out there in the shops. I'm inclined to agree, especially considering some of the sheer TRITE I've read recently, and by experienced authors at that. I am going to take a short break, then will begin my onslaught to agents and publishers again...wish me luck!

    The Reject's Club as a paperback series.

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